
Kritikan Untuk Teori Abraham Maslow

Terdapat dua kelemahan teori beliau
i. Tentang keperluan individu- keperluan individu tidak selalunya mengikut susunan hierarki sedangkan Maslow mengatakan bahawa keperluan tersebut mesti dipenuhi satu persatu secara berperingkat. Tapi ia bukannya sedemikian rupa kerana, terdapat individu yang tidak mendapat keperluan kasih sayang juga berjaya dan telah melonjak ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi tanpa melalui kasih sayang.
ii. Keperluan murid; ia berbeza kerana ia menunjukkan perbezaan ketara mengikut tempoh atau masa sesuatu tugas dijalankan. Walau bagaimanapun Teori Maslosw membuat kategori keperluan, menentukan hierarki yang mustahak amat bermanfaat dalam meninggikan motivasi kerja.


SMS Abbrevation Now

ASAP : As Soon As Possible
OMG : Oh My God
TC : Take Care
OIC : Oh I See
LOL : Lots Of Love

by me n franks..


Is This Arts?

This was created by me...
Im holding my husband unique guitar..
He loves playing guitar..and music too..
He has four guitars at home..
Bass,electric, accoustic guitar and so on...
We loves these guitars ..
And we like Rock and Country Music very much...


Winter Moonlight

The snow, so peaceful and serene,
caressed by the soft moonlight,
gave magical feelings to the night.

The soft blue glow,
the lovers' words that then did flow,
their lips closer and closer
until, locked in the throes
of a passionate embrace,
he decided to express his feelings,
to keep her safe.

He whispered softly,
his words like music to her ears,
"I Love You,"
and her response the same,
heard like the gentle breeze,
"And I, love you, forever."

That was the night they promised
to be together through everything,
each to care for the other when old and gray.
A lovers' pact
the most likely to last.

- Krista J. Mikula